Elizabeth A. Martin, Ph.D. Guest Lecturer
University of California, Irvine
Department of Psychology and Social Behavior
Emotional and social dysfunction in schizotypy
Affective control and regulation
Relations between affective and cognitive mechanisms
2014- Assistant Professor, Psychology and Social Behavior, University of California, Irvine
2013-2014 Postdoctoral Fellow, Clinical Psychology, Veterans Affairs Pittsburgh Healthcare System and University of Pittsburgh – Co-Mentors: Stuart Steinhauer and Greg Siegle
2012-2013 Predoctoral Intern, Harvard Medical School/McLean Hospital – APA-approved
2009-2013 Ph.D., Clinical Psychology, University of Missouri – Minor: Psychological Statistics and Methods – Committee: John G. Kerns (chair), Bruce Bartholow, Timothy Trull, Colin Hesse
2007-2009 M.A., Clinical Psychology, University of Missouri
2005-2006 M.L.A., Clinical Psychology, University of Pennsylvania
2004-2007 Research Coordinator, University of Pennsylvania, Neuropsychiatry Section, Schizophrenia Research Center – Co-Directors: Raquel Gur and Ruben Gur
2000-2004 B.A., Psychology, College of New Jersey – Minor: Criminology and Justice Studies – Graduated summa cum laude